There are lots of ways you can get involved with L’Œuvre ouverte | PureData Convention 07
If you can commit to 8 hours + of volunteer time we will waive your registration fees!
Some of the support we are looking for:* Registration/Welcoming crew
* Drivers
* Guides
* Exhibition installation and takedown team
* Exhibition Attendants
* Setup/Cleanup Crew
* Unconference assistant
* Technical Assistant (for audiovisual & sound performances)
* DJ for one of our events
* Organizer for closing night party
* Bartenders for closing night party
* Videographer
* Sound recording support
* Photographer
* Technical Assistant
* Promotions support
* Host a participant in your home
If you have specialized skills that you think could be put to use for the convention, please share them with us!
If you are interested contact us